MRDSB is a volunteer non-profitable, non-government and member-driven organization open to all persons aged 18 and above who share our vision, mission, and values. You can apply for General/Associate/Voluntary membership by downloading the application form (here MRDSB-Membership from.doc file or fill online) and returning it to MRDSB via post or in person, e-mail with the registration fees of cash or crossed cheques only (Bellow membership fees).
a. General Membership
Any person of legal age willing to contribute to the objectives of the Society Person becoming a member of the Society shall pay such sum as fees and other dues as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
b. Associate Member
Individuals or Associations or Groups committed to development may be included by the Executive Committee become Associate Member without the right to vote shall pay such sum as fees and other dues as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
c. Life Member
Any person who will be interested in the activities of the Society and not hindered by law or the constitution of the Society may be enrolled as life Member on payments subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
d.Team Member
Any person who will be interested in the activities of the Society and not hindered by law or the constitution of the Society may be enrolled as team Member on monthly or yearly payments subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.