
  • To develop understanding of the long-term role of migration and socioeconomic -cultural diversity as major factors of transformation of the societies of the region, in order to provide a base of knowledge and analysis for forward-looking policy-making.
  • To establish a network of research institutions working on issues of migration and socioeconomic -cultural diversity in the region, with a view to developing international communication and exchanging information.
  • To develop research capabilities in the region, through exchange of information and ideas, international seminars, in-service training courses for researchers and programs for future researchers.
  • Carry out international comparative research projects on a range of topics concerned with social, economic, regulatory and political dimensions of migration and socioeconomic -cultural diversity.
  • To enhance theoretical and methodological knowledge on migration and ethnic relations research through cooperative research, conferences, and the publication and dissemination of appropriate material.
  • To involve potential research-users (especially national policy-makers, inter-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and community organizations) in the research process at various stages, including research-design, empirical work and analysis and dissemination of findings.
  • To provide high-level advice and research services for policy-makers at the national and international levels.
  • To assist in raising the quality of international migration data collection, storage and analysis by immigration/emigration authorities and by census and statistics officers throughout the region and to encourage and facilitate data sharing between countries participating in the network.
  • To undertake and carry on any humanitarian or charitable program for the poor.
  • To take up program to distribute relief among the neglected, poverty stricken in the event of any natural calamity like flood, storm, cyclone and earth quack.
  • To establish library and reading room for the members and for the use of general public for the purpose of promotion of education and culture.
  • To take up adopt any Program to promote our culture such as Seminar, Really, Workshop, Symposium, Fair.
  • To establish Free Legal Aid Service Center for the Victimized, Vulnerable, Poor people specially for the women, migrant, and children and to take program for ensuring our human rights.
  • To set up and establish Press and Publication  of Book, Research Journal, Article, Weekly Magazine, Monthly Magazine, weakly, Half yearly and yearly Magazine, Monthly of any (agency) Current News and Current affairs, World News & Media News of printing, packaging, publishing by converting the cultural and industrial papers or any other process as printers, manufacturers and dealers of the products.